AmigaActive (1169/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:15 May 2000 at 18:51:50
Subject:Re: PFS2 - 3 Upgrade (Long)

Kevin Twyman said,

> Hello Neil,

>> You could try adding this line to s:Shell-Startup

> I've never really understood shell-startup. I assume it passes
> parameters when opening a new shell?

It's a DOS script that's executed each time a shell is opened. Use it to
set the stack, change the prompt or working directory, add aliases, set
environment variables,play a sound sample or anything else you can do
from a DOS script.

>> Alias Format pfsformat fnsize 107 dd 31

> Now that little snippet is worth its weight in gold, thanks Neil.

> Apart from a shell, would that cause the pfsformat command to
> be called from the Workbench menu as well?

No. I don't know whether the Workbench format command calls the format
command (SnoopDOS would tell you) or whether it calls the system
routines directly. If the former, you would probably get away with
renaming pfsformat, but it might be better to wait for Tim to answer


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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